Skeletal System MCQs

We have provided 50 MCQs on Skeleton System MCQs, Unit-2, 1st semester, Human Anatomy and physiology, B. Pharm. We have covered following topics.

Divisions of skeletal system, types of bone, salient features and functions of bones of axial and appendicular skeletal system. Organization of skeletal muscle, physiology of muscle contraction, neuromuscular junction.

MCQs on Skeletal System

Which division of the skeletal system includes bones of the skull, vertebral column, and rib cage?

  • A) Axial skeleton
  • B) Appendicular skeleton
  • C) Long bones
  • D) Irregular bones

Correct Answer: A) Axial skeleton

What type of bone is characterized by a complex shape and does not fit into the other categories of bone classification?

  • A) Long bone
  • B) Short bone
  • C) Irregular bone
  • D) Flat bone

Correct Answer: C) Irregular bone

The function of the axial skeleton includes:

  • A) Providing support and attachment for muscles
  • B) Aiding in locomotion
  • C) Protecting vital organs
  • D) Facilitating fine motor skills

Correct Answer: C) Protecting vital organs

Which of the following bones is part of the appendicular skeleton?

  • A) Sternum
  • B) Femur
  • C) Occipital bone
  • D) Vertebrae

Correct Answer: B) Femur

The primary function of flat bones, such as the scapula and cranial bones, is to:

  • A) Provide support for body weight
  • B) Facilitate fine motor skills
  • C) Protect internal organs
  • D) Aid in blood cell production

Correct Answer: C) Protect internal organs

Which of the following is the smallest unit of a muscle fiber that can contract?

  • A) Myofibril
  • B) Sarcomere
  • C) Myosin
  • D) Actin

Correct Answer: B) Sarcomere

The sliding filament theory explains muscle contraction at the level of:

  • A) Myofibrils
  • B) Sarcomeres
  • C) Myosin heads
  • D) Muscle fibers

Correct Answer: B) Sarcomeres

What is the neurotransmitter responsible for transmitting signals from motor neurons to muscle fibers at the neuromuscular junction?

  • A) Dopamine
  • B) Acetylcholine (ACh)
  • C) Serotonin
  • D) GABA

Correct Answer: B) Acetylcholine (ACh)

When a muscle contracts, which protein binds to calcium ions, allowing myosin heads to attach to actin filaments?

  • A) Troponin
  • B) Tropomyosin
  • C) Myosin
  • D) Actin

Correct Answer: A) Troponin

The neuromuscular junction is the point of communication between:

  • A) Two muscle fibers
  • B) A muscle and a tendon
  • C) A motor neuron and a muscle fiber
  • D) Two bones connected by a joint

Correct Answer: C) A motor neuron and a muscle fiber

The division of the skeletal system responsible for providing support and protection to the body’s major organs, such as the heart and lungs, is the:

  • A) Axial skeleton
  • B) Appendicular skeleton
  • C) Irregular bones
  • D) Long bones

Correct Answer: A) Axial skeleton

Which type of bone is characterized by its cylindrical shape and is found in the limbs?

  • A) Short bone
  • B) Long bone
  • C) Irregular bone
  • D) Flat bone

Correct Answer: B) Long bone

The functions of the appendicular skeleton include:

  • A) Protecting the brain and spinal cord
  • B) Providing support for the body’s major organs
  • C) Facilitating movement and locomotion
  • D) Supporting the body’s weight

Correct Answer: C) Facilitating movement and locomotion

Which of the following bones is part of the axial skeleton?

  • A) Clavicle
  • B) Humerus
  • C) Sternum
  • D) Femur

Correct Answer: C) Sternum

The function of irregular bones, such as the vertebrae, is primarily related to:

  • A) Locomotion
  • B) Blood cell production
  • C) Protecting internal organs
  • D) Aiding in digestion

Correct Answer: C) Protecting internal organs

Which protein, found in muscle fibers, slides along actin filaments during muscle contraction to generate force?

  • A) Myosin
  • B) Troponin
  • C) Tropomyosin
  • D) Collagen

Correct Answer: A) Myosin

The process of muscle contraction is initiated by the release of which ion from the sarcoplasmic reticulum?

  • A) Sodium (Na+)
  • B) Potassium (K+)
  • C) Calcium (Ca2+)
  • D) Magnesium (Mg2+)

Correct Answer: C) Calcium (Ca2+)

During muscle contraction, myosin heads attach to binding sites on which protein in the sarcomere?

  • A) Actin
  • B) Troponin
  • C) Tropomyosin
  • D) Collagen

Correct Answer: A) Actin

The site where a motor neuron meets a muscle fiber to initiate muscle contraction is known as the:

  • A) Synaptic cleft
  • B) Axon terminal
  • C) Neuromuscular junction
  • D) Sarcomere

Correct Answer: C) Neuromuscular junction

What neurotransmitter is released into the synaptic cleft at the neuromuscular junction to stimulate muscle contraction?

  • A) Serotonin
  • B) GABA
  • C) Acetylcholine (ACh)
  • D) Dopamine

Correct Answer: C) Acetylcholine (ACh)

Which part of the axial skeleton is responsible for protecting the spinal cord?

  • A) Ribcage
  • B) Skull
  • C) Vertebral column
  • D) Pelvic girdle

Correct Answer: C) Vertebral column

The term “compact bone” refers to bone tissue that is:

  • A) Soft and spongy
  • B) Dense and hard
  • C) Comprised of trabeculae
  • D) Found in the epiphysis

Correct Answer: B) Dense and hard

The bones of the appendicular skeleton are involved in:

  • A) Protecting internal organs
  • B) Facilitating movement and locomotion
  • C) Supporting the skull
  • D) Blood cell production

Correct Answer: B) Facilitating movement and locomotion

The scapula (shoulder blade) is an example of which type of bone?

  • A) Long bone
  • B) Short bone
  • C) Irregular bone
  • D) Flat bone

Correct Answer: D) Flat bone

What is the primary function of sesamoid bones, such as the patella (kneecap)?

  • A) Blood cell production
  • B) Providing structural support
  • C) Enhancing muscle leverage
  • D) Protecting internal organs

Correct Answer: C) Enhancing muscle leverage

In the sliding filament theory of muscle contraction, what causes the myosin heads to bind to actin filaments?

  • A) Calcium ions
  • B) Sodium ions
  • C) Potassium ions
  • D) Chloride ions

Correct Answer: A) Calcium ions

Which protein covers the binding sites on actin filaments and prevents myosin from attaching to them in a relaxed muscle?

  • A) Troponin
  • B) Tropomyosin
  • C) Myosin
  • D) Collagen

Correct Answer: B) Tropomyosin

During muscle contraction, which molecule stores energy that is used to power the myosin heads?

  • A) ATP (adenosine triphosphate)
  • B) Glucose
  • C) Oxygen
  • D) Lactic acid

Correct Answer: A) ATP (adenosine triphosphate)

The point where a motor neuron and a muscle fiber meet is known as the:

  • A) Sarcoplasm
  • B) Myofibril
  • C) Sarcomere
  • D) Neuromuscular junction

Correct Answer: D) Neuromuscular junction

What role does acetylcholine play at the neuromuscular junction?

  • A) Inhibiting muscle contraction
  • B) Relaying sensory information to the brain
  • C) Transmitting signals from the motor neuron to the muscle fiber
  • D) Breaking down muscle fibers

Correct Answer: C) Transmitting signals from the motor neuron to the muscle fiber

Which bone in the axial skeleton plays a crucial role in the articulation of the upper limb with the axial skeleton and is often referred to as the “collarbone”?

  • A) Scapula
  • B) Sternum
  • C) Humerus
  • D) Clavicle

Correct Answer: D) Clavicle

The primary function of the pelvic girdle in the appendicular skeleton is:

  • A) Protecting the spinal cord
  • B) Aiding in respiration
  • C) Supporting the lower limbs and organs
  • D) Facilitating fine motor skills

Correct Answer: C) Supporting the lower limbs and organs

Which type of bone, found in the wrist and ankle, is approximately as long as it is wide and is responsible for providing stability and support to the joints?

  • A) Long bone
  • B) Short bone
  • C) Irregular bone
  • D) Flat bone

Correct Answer: B) Short bone

The metacarpal bones are part of which skeletal division?

  • A) Axial skeleton
  • B) Appendicular skeleton
  • C) Long bones
  • D) Irregular bones

Correct Answer: B) Appendicular skeleton

During muscle contraction, what happens to the sarcomere length?

  • A) It shortens
  • B) It remains unchanged
  • C) It lengthens
  • D) It vibrates rapidly

Correct Answer: A) It shortens

What is the role of the sarcoplasmic reticulum in muscle contraction?

  • A) Producing ATP
  • B) Transmitting nerve signals
  • C) Storing and releasing calcium ions
  • D) Contracting the myofibrils

Correct Answer: C) Storing and releasing calcium ions

Which molecule supplies energy for muscle contraction by transferring its phosphate group to ADP to form ATP?

  • A) Creatine phosphate
  • B) Glycogen
  • C) Myoglobin
  • D) Lactic acid

Correct Answer: A) Creatine phosphate

What triggers the release of calcium ions from the sarcoplasmic reticulum, initiating muscle contraction?

  • A) Electrical impulses from motor neurons
  • B) Accumulation of potassium ions
  • C) An increase in ATP levels
  • D) Release of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction

Correct Answer: A) Electrical impulses from motor neurons

What is the role of troponin in muscle contraction?

  • A) Binding to myosin heads
  • B) Binding to calcium ions
  • C) Preventing the binding of myosin to actin
  • D) Storing energy in the form of creatine phosphate

Correct Answer: B) Binding to calcium ions

Which part of the axial skeleton is responsible for protecting the brain?

  • A) Vertebral column
  • B) Ribcage
  • C) Skull
  • D) Pelvic girdle

Correct Answer: C) Skull

The primary function of the humerus bone in the appendicular skeleton is:

  • A) Protecting the heart
  • B) Supporting the lower limbs
  • C) Facilitating arm movement
  • D) Aiding in respiration

Correct Answer: C) Facilitating arm movement

Which type of bone, found in the wrist (carpals) and ankle (tarsals), is composed of small, irregularly shaped bones that allow for flexibility in joint movement?

  • A) Long bone
  • B) Short bone
  • C) Irregular bone
  • D) Flat bone

Correct Answer: B) Short bone

The bones of the forearm (radius and ulna) are part of which skeletal division?

  • A) Axial skeleton
  • B) Appendicular skeleton
  • C) Long bones
  • D) Irregular bones

Correct Answer: B) Appendicular skeleton

What is the primary function of the ribs in the axial skeleton?

  • A) Supporting the lower limbs
  • B) Protecting the spinal cord
  • C) Aiding in digestion
  • D) Protecting the thoracic organs

Correct Answer: D) Protecting the thoracic organs

The “all-or-none” principle in muscle physiology refers to:

  • A) The fact that muscles can contract to varying degrees
  • B) The idea that muscles can either contract fully or not at all in response to a stimulus
  • C) The gradual increase in muscle strength with exercise
  • D) The simultaneous contraction of all muscle groups in the body

Correct Answer: B) The idea that muscles can either contract fully or not at all in response to a stimulus

Which molecule is primarily responsible for storing oxygen in muscle cells to support aerobic respiration during muscle contraction?

  • A) ATP (adenosine triphosphate)
  • B) Creatine phosphate
  • C) Myoglobin
  • D) Troponin

Correct Answer: C) Myoglobin

What happens to sarcomeres when muscle fibers contract?

  • A) Sarcomeres lengthen
  • B) Sarcomeres shorten
  • C) Sarcomeres remain unchanged
  • D) Sarcomeres vibrate rapidly

Correct Answer: B) Sarcomeres shorten

The role of the motor neuron at the neuromuscular junction is to:

  • A) Store calcium ions
  • B) Release acetylcholine
  • C) Produce ATP
  • D) Contract muscle fibers

Correct Answer: B) Release acetylcholine

In the sliding filament theory of muscle contraction, what causes the myosin heads to detach from the actin filaments?

  • A) Calcium ions
  • B) ATP
  • C) Acetylcholine
  • D) Sodium ions

Correct Answer: B) ATP

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  1. Human Anatomy & Physiology

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