Joints MCQs

We have provided 50 MCQs on Joints Unit-2, 1st semester, Human Anatomy and physiology, B. Pharm. We have covered following topics.

Structural and functional classification, types of joints movements and its articulation

MCQ on joints

Which classification system categorizes joints based on the presence or absence of a joint cavity and the type of connective tissue holding them together?

  • A) Functional classification
  • B) Fibrous classification
  • C) Structural classification
  • D) Synovial classification

Correct Answer: C) Structural classification

  • A suture joint is an example of which type of structural joint?
  • A) Fibrous joint
  • B) Cartilaginous joint
  • C) Synovial joint
  • D) Ball-and-socket joint

Correct Answer: A) Fibrous joint

Which type of joint allows for little to no movement and is characterized by the presence of dense connective tissue?

  • A) Cartilaginous joint
  • B) Synovial joint
  • C) Fibrous joint
  • D) Suture joint

Correct Answer: C) Fibrous joint

The pubic symphysis, which connects the pubic bones in the pelvis, is an example of which type of joint?

  • A) Hinge joint
  • B) Pivot joint
  • C) Cartilaginous joint
  • D) Synovial joint

Correct Answer: C) Cartilaginous joint

What type of joint allows for movement in multiple planes and is characterized by a synovial cavity and a layer of hyaline cartilage on the articulating surfaces?

  • A) Hinge joint
  • B) Ball-and-socket joint
  • C) Fibrous joint
  • D) Cartilaginous joint

Correct Answer: B) Ball-and-socket joint

Which of the following is a functionally classified joint that allows for a wide range of movements and is commonly found in the limbs?

  • A) Synarthrosis
  • B) Amphiarthrosis
  • C) Diarthrosis
  • D) Fibrous joint

Correct Answer: C) Diarthrosis

Which joint movement involves reducing the angle between two bones and is commonly seen in the flexion of the forearm at the elbow?

  • A) Extension
  • B) Abduction
  • C) Adduction
  • D) Flexion

Correct Answer: D) Flexion

In the context of joint movements, which term describes moving a body part away from the midline of the body?

  • A) Extension
  • B) Adduction
  • C) Abduction
  • D) Eversion

Correct Answer: C) Abduction

Which joint movement occurs when you rotate your head to look over your shoulder?

  • A) Supination
  • B) Pronation
  • C) Circumduction
  • D) Rotation

Correct Answer: D) Rotation

What type of articulation allows for the movement of one bone surface sliding or gliding over another, without angular or rotary motion?

  • A) Pivot joint
  • B) Plane joint
  • C) Hinge joint
  • D) Ball-and-socket joint

Correct Answer: B) Plane joint

The sutures in the human skull are an example of which type of joint?

  • A) Ball-and-socket joint
  • B) Hinge joint
  • C) Pivot joint
  • D) Fibrous joint

Correct Answer: D) Fibrous joint

What type of joint is found in the intervertebral discs of the spine and allows for limited movement and shock absorption?

  • A) Ball-and-socket joint
  • B) Hinge joint
  • C) Cartilaginous joint
  • D) Synovial joint

Correct Answer: C) Cartilaginous joint

Which functional classification of joints allows for no movement and is highly stable?

  • A) Synarthrosis
  • B) Amphiarthrosis
  • C) Diarthrosis
  • D) Fibrous joint

Correct Answer: A) Synarthrosis

When you raise your arm straight out to the side, you are performing which type of joint movement?

  • A) Abduction
  • B) Adduction
  • C) Flexion
  • D) Extension

Correct Answer: A) Abduction

What is the term for the movement that brings the foot sole toward the shin, as in dorsiflexing the ankle?

  • A) Eversion
  • B) Inversion
  • C) Plantar flexion
  • D) Supination

Correct Answer: B) Inversion

Which type of joint allows for movement in only one plane, like the hinge joint in the elbow?

  • A) Pivot joint
  • B) Plane joint
  • C) Ball-and-socket joint
  • D) Saddle joint

Correct Answer: A) Pivot joint

When you touch your thumb to your fingertips to create a circle with your hand, you are performing which type of joint movement?

  • A) Pronation
  • B) Opposition
  • C) Circumduction
  • D) Eversion

Correct Answer: B) Opposition

Which type of articulation allows for the widest range of motion, including flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, and rotation?

  • A) Plane joint
  • B) Hinge joint
  • C) Ball-and-socket joint
  • D) Pivot joint

Correct Answer: C) Ball-and-socket joint

The knee joint is an example of which type of joint, characterized by its synovial cavity and hinge-like movement?

  • A) Plane joint
  • B) Hinge joint
  • C) Ball-and-socket joint
  • D) Pivot joint

Correct Answer: B) Hinge joint

Which functional classification of joints allows for limited movement and is found in the amphiarthrotic joints of the pelvis?

  • A) Synarthrosis
  • B) Amphiarthrosis
  • C) Diarthrosis
  • D) Fibrous joint

Correct Answer: B) Amphiarthrosis

Which type of joint is found at the base of the thumb, allowing for a wide range of movement, including opposition?

  • A) Saddle joint
  • B) Hinge joint
  • C) Ball-and-socket joint
  • D) Pivot joint

Correct Answer: A) Saddle joint

In terms of structural classification, which type of joint is characterized by bones that are connected by hyaline cartilage, allowing for slight movement?

  • A) Fibrous joint
  • B) Synovial joint
  • C) Cartilaginous joint
  • D) Amphiarthrosis

Correct Answer: C) Cartilaginous joint

When you bend your knee, you are performing which type of joint movement?

  • A) Abduction
  • B) Flexion
  • C) Extension
  • D) Rotation

Correct Answer: B) Flexion

Correct Answer: C) Diarthrosis

The joint between the carpal bones of the wrist is an example of which type of joint, characterized by flat articulating surfaces and gliding movements?

  • A) Hinge joint
  • B) Saddle joint
  • C) Plane joint
  • D) Pivot joint

Correct Answer: C) Plane joint

When you rotate your forearm so that your palm faces down, you are performing which type of joint movement?

  • A) Pronation
  • B) Supination
  • C) Circumduction
  • D) Eversion

Correct Answer: A) Pronation

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) in the jaw is an example of which type of joint, allowing for hinge-like movements during chewing?

  • A) Pivot joint
  • B) Plane joint
  • C) Hinge joint
  • D) Saddle joint

Correct Answer: C) Hinge joint

Which type of joint movement brings a limb closer to the midline of the body, such as bringing your arms to your sides?

  • A) Abduction
  • B) Adduction
  • C) Flexion
  • D) Extension

Correct Answer: B) Adduction

The articulation between the radius and ulna bones in the forearm, allowing for rotational movements, is an example of which type of joint?

  • A) Ball-and-socket joint
  • B) Pivot joint
  • C) Hinge joint
  • D) Saddle joint

Correct Answer: B) Pivot joint

Which functional classification of joints allows for no movement and is highly stable?

  • A) Synarthrosis
  • B) Amphiarthrosis
  • C) Diarthrosis
  • D) Fibrous joint

Correct Answer: A) Synarthrosis

Which type of joint is commonly found in the spine and allows for limited movement and shock absorption due to its fibrocartilaginous discs?

  • A) Pivot joint
  • B) Hinge joint
  • C) Ball-and-socket joint
  • D) Cartilaginous joint

Correct Answer: D) Cartilaginous joint

When you rotate your head from side to side to indicate “no,” you are performing which type of joint movement?

  • A) Pronation
  • B) Supination
  • C) Rotation
  • D) Circumduction

Correct Answer: C) Rotation

The joint movement that decreases the angle between the dorsum of the foot and the shin is called:

  • A) Eversion
  • B) Plantar flexion
  • C) Inversion
  • D) Dorsiflexion

Correct Answer: D) Dorsiflexion

Which functional classification of joints allows for some movement and is found in the amphiarthrotic joints of the spine?

  • A) Synarthrosis
  • B) Amphiarthrosis
  • C) Diarthrosis
  • D) Fibrous joint

Correct Answer: B) Amphiarthrosis

The joint between the proximal and distal phalanges of the fingers, which allows for bending and straightening of the fingers, is an example of which type of joint?

  • A) Ball-and-socket joint
  • B) Hinge joint
  • C) Plane joint
  • D) Saddle joint

Correct Answer: B) Hinge joint

In the context of joint movements, what term describes moving a body part away from the midline of the body?

  • A) Abduction
  • B) Adduction
  • C) Flexion
  • D) Extension

Correct Answer: A) Abduction

The hip joint is an example of which type of joint, characterized by a ball-and-socket structure allowing for a wide range of motion?

  • A) Pivot joint
  • B) Plane joint
  • C) Hinge joint
  • D) Ball-and-socket joint

Correct Answer: D) Ball-and-socket joint

Which functional classification of joints allows for a wide range of movement and is commonly found in the limbs?

  • A) Synarthrosis
  • B) Amphiarthrosis
  • C) Diarthrosis
  • D) Fibrous joint

Correct Answer: C) Diarthrosis

The articulation between the atlas and axis vertebrae in the neck, allowing for the nodding and rotation of the head, is an example of which type of joint?

  • A) Ball-and-socket joint
  • B) Pivot joint
  • C) Hinge joint
  • D) Saddle joint

Correct Answer: B) Pivot joint

Which structural classification of joints is characterized by bones that are held together by dense connective tissue and allow for no movement?

  • A) Fibrous joint
  • B) Cartilaginous joint
  • C) Synovial joint
  • D) Amphiarthrosis

Correct Answer: A) Fibrous joint

Which type of joint allows for movements in all directions and is characterized by a spherical head fitting into a cup-like socket?

  • A) Plane joint
  • B) Hinge joint
  • C) Ball-and-socket joint
  • D) Pivot joint

Correct Answer: C) Ball-and-socket joint

In terms of structural classification, which type of joint is characterized by a synovial cavity, articular cartilage, and a synovial membrane?

  • A) Fibrous joint
  • B) Cartilaginous joint
  • C) Synovial joint
  • D) Amphiarthrosis

Correct Answer: C) Synovial joint

Which type of joint allows for bending and straightening movements along a single plane, such as the elbow joint?

  • A) Pivot joint
  • B) Plane joint
  • C) Hinge joint
  • D) Ball-and-socket joint

Correct Answer: C) Hinge joint

The functional classification of joints that allows for no movement and is highly stable is known as:

  • A) Synarthrosis
  • B) Amphiarthrosis
  • C) Diarthrosis
  • D) Fibrous joint

Correct Answer: A) Synarthrosis

When you bend your wrist to bring your palm closer to your forearm, you are performing which type of joint movement?

  • A) Flexion
  • B) Extension
  • C) Abduction
  • D) Adduction

Correct Answer: A) Flexion

The shoulder joint, which allows for a wide range of motion in all directions, is an example of which type of joint?

  • A) Plane joint
  • B) Hinge joint
  • C) Ball-and-socket joint
  • D) Saddle joint

Correct Answer: C) Ball-and-socket joint

Which functional classification of joints allows for some movement and is commonly found in the amphiarthrotic joints of the pelvis?

  • A) Synarthrosis
  • B) Amphiarthrosis
  • C) Diarthrosis
  • D) Fibrous joint

Correct Answer: B) Amphiarthrosis

The articulation between the metacarpal bone of the thumb and the trapezium bone of the wrist, allowing for thumb opposition, is an example of which type of joint?

  • A) Pivot joint
  • B) Plane joint
  • C) Hinge joint
  • D) Saddle joint

Correct Answer: D) Saddle joint

Which structural classification of joints is characterized by bones that are held together by hyaline cartilage and allows for slight movement?

  • A) Fibrous joint
  • B) Cartilaginous joint
  • C) Synovial joint

D) Amphiarthrosis

Correct Answer: B) Cartilaginous joint

In the context of joint movements, what term describes moving a body part toward the midline of the body?

  • A) Abduction
  • B) Adduction
  • C) Flexion
  • D) Extension

Correct Answer: B) Adduction

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Semester- 1

  1. Human Anatomy & Physiology

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