Ancillary supplies are such that the laboratories, wards, and special service areas can predict their rate of use and order them from the pharmacy either weekly or bi-weekly. The following two methods are utilized to inform the wards, laboratories, and special service areas about what is to be carried in inventory:
- Pre-printed requisition form that contains the list of all the supplies that should be used or a catalog should be issued. Using a pre-printed requisition form is considered the most ideal and practical, if the total number of items stocked is less.
- For informing those who must requisition the supplies for their area, a published catalog having the materials alphabetically arranged under a major heading is used. This catalog should be cross-indexed to facilitate its use and should show the unit size of the package to be dispensed. This saves much time for the dispensing personnel and the pricing clerk.
In hospitals where a catalog has been published, a special requisition form should be used. This form should be simple but capable of being used for any type of supply.

This requisition form is prepared in the ward/laboratory and sent to the pharmacy, where the pharmacist checks each dispensed item, prices it, and sends the completed requisition form to the accounts department. The department head prepares this requisition form in duplicate order so that the original copy is retained as a receiving slip to make sure that all the ordered supplies have been received. Some items at one time or another will go out of stock in the inventory, therefore, it is advised to use an „out of stock‟ notice to inform the indentor.

The pharmacy attending the requisition form initiates it in duplicate. The original copy is retained by the pharmacy and the duplicate is sent to the indentor.